Text art generator

If you'll be putting Carty, Tarty-generated text, or some text art on Facebook into your news feed, you may run into some trouble when you paste the sign. I'll explain how to make it right. I'll take Carty as example.

Carty copy-pasted into Facebook news feed often gets broken.

Carty text got broken after copy-paste into Facebook news feed

Enable Carty's Scissor strip option and copy-paste the new result.

After you copied - use the ✄ scissors to find where you should put new lines (press Enter).

Carty text in Facebook news feed with a scissor strip

After you've got all lined up, you can delete the scissors. Also, because your message starts right after your name you should better put some symbol, or text into the first line.

Carty text got broken because it appears right after your name

Here's correct example.

Carty text put fully correct
Carty text put fully correct
Last update 5 years ago