Computer text symbols

Newer emoji layout is now available at Символы ☺ Эмодзи
Car chase illustrated with Emoji

These text symbols are natively available on Android, across Apple's devices and on Windows Phone since version 7. But not available on Windows 8, 7 and XP. If you're on desktop, on this site emoji are available in a custom font that is loaded from the site (273 kb). If you're not seeing them (I have trouble with them on Safari and Internet Explorer on Windows 7, for example), download Android Emoji font. If you're on Safari on Windows, actually, better move to Chrome, or Firefox, on Safari only a small part works for me.

On iOS you can even add an emoji keyboard and type them easily withought having to use FSymbols to access them. I'll miss you, of course.. 😢 I don't have such a functionality on my Android-run smartphone for some reason, so Android users, make sure you bookmark this page. Anyway, don't think you're too cool for FSymbols just because you have an Emoji keyboard if you're on your Apple device. You still don't have the classical set of symbols.

On Facebook and some websites

Because these symbols are really cool, yet not accessible on older systems, Facebook, VK and some other websites are rendering them as images. Copy-paste them onto there and you'll see the magic. These text symbols work in FB comments better than in chat. In chat, a lot of the times, when you send them from PC, they simply get ignored completely by Facebook. It will show them to you, but it will be empty space for recipient most of the time when you are trying to send them from a PC. It won't filter them out if you're on the Facebook app for handheld devices, though.

Facebook: Emoji that ↷ into images

❤ Emoji

Try to put some of these in comments on Facebook and you'll see that they will become images.

I've made a bookmarklet for these text symbols. You can drag it into your bookmarks (favourites) and fast-access them any time by clicking on the bookmark. Don't lose them. ( ⌣́,⌣̀)\(^◡^ ) You'll have to install Android Emoji to use it, of course.

☀ ☁ ☔ ⛄ ⚡ 🌀 🌂 🌙 🌟 🍀 🌷 🌱 🍁 🌸 🌹 🍂 🍃 🌺 🌻 🌴 🌵 🌾 🍎 🍊 🍓 👀 👂 👃 👄 👅 💅 👦 👧 👨 👩 👫 👮 👱 👲 👳 👴 👵 👶 👷 👸 👯 👻 👼 👽 👾 👿 💀 💂 💃 🐍 🐎 🐔 🐗 🐫 🐘 🐨 🐒 🐑 🐙 🐚 🐛 🐠 🐡 🐥 🐦 🐧 🐩 🐟 🐬 🐭 🐯 🐱 🐳 🐴 🐵 🐶 🐷 🐻 🐹 🐺 🐮 🐰 🐸 🐾 😠 😩 😲 😞 😵 😰 😒 😍 😤 😜 😝 😋 😘 😚 😷 😳 😃 😆 😁 😂 ☺ 😄 😢 😭 😨 😣 😡 😌 😖 😔 😱 😪 😏 😓 😥 😫 😉 😺 😸 😹 😽 😻 😿 😼 🙀 🙋 🙌 🙍 🙏 🔥 🎁 🎄 🎅 🎈 🎉 🎍 🎎 🎓 🎏 🎐 🎃 📞 📱 📲 📠 💻 💽 💾 💿 📀 🎵 🎶 🎼 📺 💋 💏 💐 💑 🍔 ☕ 🍸 🍺 ❤ 💓 💔 💖 💗 💘 💙 💚 💛 💜 💝 ♥ 💢 💤 💦 💨 💩 💪 ✨ 🔔 ✊ ✋ ✌ 👊 👍 ☝ 👆 👇 👈 👉 👋 👏 👌 👎 👐

All Emoji

If you are viewing this from Android and you have all the symbols running into each other, try Google Chrome for Android. Works smoothly there.

The list was compiled by grumdrig, for which we all thank him.

Emoticon icon art for Facebook comments (Emoji icon patterns)Emoticon icon art for Facebook comments You can have more fun with smileys, emoticons and Emoji by arranging them into meaningful patterns. You can use these patterns in Facebook comments and in other places around the web. It's pretty cool, give it a try!

Last update 9 years ago