ASCII Text Art Generator

This is my favourite ASCII art generator for big text font you can copy and paste to Instagram, Facebook, etc. I made it because I was seriously into this text art generator business. I wanted to make a big font where letters would move into each other's regions like in graffiti. I found 3 sets of characters I could make this with. I also made it in two sizes - smaller and bigger. Have fun, use this ASCII art text generator to turn your messages into text art pictures.
Write your text and scroll down for more cute text generator styles. Or click below to explore some text pictures.
Text art generator letters
You can type characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and :,.!?)(" '-+= with this "CArty" generator. I thought they're going to be enough.
Symbols, my text art generator uses are: ━ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┫ ╋ ┣ ︱ ┻ ┳ ,
╭ ╮ ╰ ╯ ╱ and ═ ╔ ╝ ╚ ╗ ║ ╣ ╬ ╠ ─ ╩ ╦ . You can use them to make your own different art signs and text pictures.