Symbole, Signe, Emoji

Cette section est faite pour les gens qui recherchent un symbole spécial fréquemment utilisé. En voici les différents articles sur les signes et les symboles populaires qui conviennent le mieux ceux qui sont à la recherche sur Internet pour exactement les caractères. Avec ces articles, on peut rapidement apprendre à taper au clavier le symbole désiré dans de très nombreuses façons intéressantes et découvrir quelques informations passionnantes sur le symbole.
Donc, si vous vous êtes trouvé la lecture de ce texte je l'ai écrit, vous êtes probablement à la recherche d'explorer le monde des symboles. Je l'ai mis un aperçu rapide ici pour vous aider à trouver votre chemin.
Symboles et signes
♡💕😘 Emoji coeur symbole Type symboles de texte de coeur ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧ avec votre clavier pour mettre sur Facebook, Instagram, etc. référence sur les signes d'amour de coeur.
Emoji Musique 🎸🤘🎼🎵♬ Note de Musique symbole Demander comment taper la musique de texte Symbole Note caractère d'un clavier? Guides pour Microsoft Windows (avec codes Alt), Mac, Linux, mettre de la musique notes symboles de texte sur Facebook, Instagram, YouTube ou un site Web. Ou suffit de copier-coller et d'autres symboles.
©℗®™ Copyright symbole droit d'auteurVous vous demandez probablement comment taper le symbole de copyright de texte? Eh bien, regardez ici pour la meilleure réponse. Apprendre à taper avec le clavier droit d'auteur sur Windows, Mac ou Linux. Mettez-le dans vos documents, ou sur Facebook
Paragraph symbol § ¶ Pilcrow Find out how to write pilcrow ¶ paragraph sign and section § symbol with your keyboard.
™ Symbole TM petit et marque r ® En savoir plus sur la marque et les symboles de texte des marques déposées et la façon de les taper sur votre clavier. Mettez-les sur Facebook, Instagram, etc.
¿¡⸘ Upside down question mark and exclamation point¿¡Type Spanish upside down question mark and upside exclamation text symbols with your bare keyboard!?
∞♾️ Signe Infini Découvrez comment taper symbole de l'infini ∞ directement à partir de votre clavier si vous êtes sous Windows, Mac ou Linux. Vous pouvez mettre ∞ dans Facebook, Instagram ou Youtube. Mathématique signe texte de infini. Codes Alt et plus encore.
☯࿊ Yin Yang Emoji text symbol Find how to type Yin Yang sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type Yin Yang symbol, it's unicode entities and more.
❄❅❆❉❊☃ Snowflake symbol - Let text snow 🌨️ Too cold outside? Snow? Throw a bit of text snow ❄ ❅ at your friends, and make a snowman ☃ with text to remind them of the old days! Share text snowflakes and snowman on Facebook and everywhere else on the web using snowflake symbols/signs.
✞☦✝✟♱♰☥♁✙⛧ Symbole Croix Emoji Apprenez à taper les symboles de la croix ☩ ☨ ☦ ✞ et plus directement à partir de votre clavier si vous êtes sous Windows, Mac ou Linux. Vous pouvez les mettre dans Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, votre blog, ou n'importe où vous le souhaitez. Croix religieuses. Codes Alt et plus encore.
€💶 Euro symbol EUR signCopy-paste + Find out how to type € Euro currency sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram. More than alt codes - various ways to type euro symbol on Windows, Mac, Linux, or to input into HTML.
££💷 GBP Pound symbol signFind out how to type £ pound currency sign directly from your keyboard. Use it in finance, put it on Facebook. It's what they call money in Britain (United Kingdom).
¥ ¥ Yen symbol, Yuan sign Find out how to type ¥ yen/yuan currency sign directly from your keyboard. Use it in finance, put it on Facebook. Chinesse and japanese money symbols.
₱ PHP Philippine Peso sign Find out how to type ₱ Peso currency sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram. More than alt codes - various ways to type peso symbol on Windows, Mac, Linux, or to input into HTML.
¢₵𝇍 Symbole Cent Découvrez comment taper ¢ Monnaie de Centime signer directement à partir de votre clavier. Vous pouvez le mettre dans Facebook, Youtube, Instagram ou. Plus de codes alt - différentes façons de taper le symbole de cent sous Windows, Mac, Linux, ou à l'entrée en HTML.
Zodiac symbols ♋ Learn to type zodiac symbols directly from your keyboard. You can put Astrological signs ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Put them on your Facebook, Instagram Youtube or anywhere you like. Make your own horoscopes. How to type zodiac signs, also its HTML entities and Unicode.
☪☾✩☽🌙🌚🌕 Emoji Moon Symbol Choose among lots of moon emoji to copy-paste.
☮ ✌ Peace sign emoji text symbol copy Find how to type peace signs ☮ ✌ directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to штзге peace symbols, HTML unicode entities and more.
✰⋆🌟✪🔯✨ Star emoji Copy-paste, or learn to type star symbol emoji directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type star symbols ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✰ ✡ ⋆ ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ❋ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✪ ✫ ★, their unicode entities and more.
♂⚤⚥⧬웃👨𓂸 Male symbolCopy some manly symbols from here, or find how to type male sign directly from your keyboard. Male Alt code for windows keyboard included.
♀⚢⚤👸👧 Female Find how to type female sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Female symbol keyboard alt code and more. Female sign html entity.
⚡🗲↯ϟ Lightning bolt symbol ☠💀 Skull Find out how to type ☣ ☢ ☠ ☡ hazard signs directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram. More than alt codes - various ways to type hazard symbols on Windows, Mac, Linux, or to input into HTML.
☭ Communist emoji Find out how to type hammer and sickle communist symbol ☭ directly from your keyboard whether you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can put ☭ in Facebook, Instagram Youtube and you historical essays. Communism text sign. Alt codes and more.
π𝜋𝛑𝝅𝞹ℼ🥧 Pi symbol sign Find out how to type Pi sign π directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to make pi symbol, HTML unicode entities and more.
🌞🔅🔆☀⛅🌤🌦☼🌣☉ Sun symbol Find how to type Sun signs directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type sun symbols, their's unicode entities and more.
Swastika Emoji 卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ Nazi SymbolCopy-paste Swastika signs, or find out how to type them directly from your keyboard. And, maybe, find out a bit more about it's history.
Σ Sigma summation symbol Find how to type sigma summary sign Σ directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to make sum symbol, HTML unicode entities and more.
✆☎☏📱 Phone symbol Find how to type phone signs directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type telephone symbols, it's unicode entities and more.
Hand Emojis ☞👐Copy and paste hand emoji 👎 🖕 ✊ 👊 👌 🙌 🙋 🙏 🤔 🤘 🖐 🖖 and many more!
🌼🌸❀✿🌷 Flower emoji Learn how to type flower signs directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type flower symbols ✽ ✾ ✿ ❁ ❃ ❋ ❀, their unicode entities and more.
⚓ 🔱⛵ Anchor symbol Copy-paste, or find how to type Anchor sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type Anchor symbol, it's unicode entity and more.
↓↳➜⇢➤🏹➵💘 Arrow Copy and paste + Find how to text arrow signs ➟ ➡ ➢ ➣ ➤ ➥ ➦ ➧ ➨ ➚ ➘ ➙ ➛ ➜ ➝ ➞ ➸ ♐ ➲ ➳ ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➷ ➸ ➹ ➺ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ⏎ directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to make arrow symbols, HTML unicode entities and more.
☕ Coffee symbol Find how to type coffee cup sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type coffee cup symbol, it's unicode entities and more.
Email sign ✉ Find how to type mail sign ✉ directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to type email symbols, HTML unicode entities and more.
Degree Symbol °℃℉⊾∡⟲ copy pasteFind out how to type ° degree sign directly from your keyboard. You can put it in Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram. More than alt codes - various ways to type degree symbol on Windows, Mac, Linux, or to input it into HTML.
⏩◢◤△🔻◭👁⃤ Triangle text emoji symbol Find how to type triangle signs ▲ ▼ ◄ ► ▶ ◀ ◣ ◢ ◥ ◤ ◥ ▸ ◂ ▴ ▾ △ ▽ ▷ ◁ ⊿ ▻ ◅ ▵ ▿ ▹ ◃ directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to make triangle symbols, HTML unicode entities and more.
Square root sign Find out how to type square root symbol √ directly from your keyboard whether you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can put √ in Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. Mathematical root text sign. Alt codes and more.
Integral signs Find out how to type mathematical integral ∫ symbols directly from your keyboard whether you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can put them in Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. Mathematical integral text sign. Alt codes and more.
Fraction signs Find out how to type fraction symbols directly from your keyboard whether you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can put them in Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. Mathematical ratio signs. Alt codes and more.
⬛❒▣²³ Square symbol, text box symbol Find out how to type mathematical number power notation like ² and ³ and square box symbols directly from your keyboard whether you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can put them in Facebook, Instagram Youtube, etc. Box text signs. Alt codes and more.
Power signs Find out how to type power symbols directly from your keyboard whether you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can put them in Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. Mathematical power text signs. HTML entities and more.
⁍➡‣🅐➀ Bullet Point symbol copy paste ⚫⚪• Dot SymbolCopy and paste and find how to type bullet point sign or middle dot directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Bullet symbols keyboard alt codes and more. Bullet signs html entity.
✅✔✓☑ Check mark - Tick symbol 💯☐☒❎✗✘Copy-paste, discover how to type tick signs ☑ ✓ on your keyboard. Put them on Facebook, Instagram or anywhere you like. Check box symbols. Html entities and more..
☥ Ankh symbol ☬ Sikh Khanda emoji, ✡ jewish star sign 🙏Copy, or learn how to type religious symbols directly from your keyboard.