↓↳➜⇢➤🏹➵💘 Arrow

Click on an arrow emoji, or a text arrow symbol to copy it automatically. Paste wherever you want.

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Hand Emojis ☞👐Copy and paste hand emoji 👎 🖕 ✊ 👊 👌 🙌 🙋 🙏 🤔 🤘 🖐 🖖 and many more!
⏩◢◤△🔻◭👁⃤ Triangle text emoji symbol Find how to type triangle signs ▲ ▼ ◄ ► ▶ ◀ ◣ ◢ ◥ ◤ ◥ ▸ ◂ ▴ ▾ △ ▽ ▷ ◁ ⊿ ▻ ◅ ▵ ▿ ▹ ◃ directly from your keyboard. You can put them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to make triangle symbols, HTML unicode entities and more.

Arrow sign Copy and paste arrow symbols from this list of arrows. Paste arrow emoji into your text to steer your readers in a the right direction. It may be that this is not an entirely full list with absolutely every arrow symbol available, though there's plenty of different up, down, back, forward, left, right arrow symbol emoji and other arrow symbols and emojis of arrows including diagonal, rounded and curved in all sorts of ways. You can draw an arrow symbol, or emoji on draw-to-recognize-a-symbol AI and try to find more arrows. Also, look below to find if you may be able to text some arrow signs from keyboard.

How to text emoji arrow symbols on keyboard

Choose your system and find ways to text arrows on keyboard if it just takes too long to copy and paste an arrow symbol.


Alt Codes to text arrows on keyboard

Alt code shortcut works on all Desktop and many Laptop computers running MS Windows. You press Alt and, while holding it, text a certain Alt code on Num Pad while it's turned on. Please, watch my guide if you're running a laptop. You can text many frequently used symbols with this method.

Alt Code Arrow Arrow Alt Code
18 23
24 25
26 27
30 31
174 « » 175
0171 «

Shift States

Configure your keyboard layout in Windows so that you can type on keyboard any text arrow emoticon you want as easy as any other text. Takes about 5-10 minutes to set things up, but you'll be typing like a boss. You can assign arrow sign and any other text characters to your keyboard using this technique.

Character Map

CharMap allows you to view and use all characters including arrow symbols available in all fonts (some examples of fonts are "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Webdings") installed on your computer. You can input arrow symbols using it.


Emoji on iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch)

On iPhone not all, but some arrow symbols you'll see on your iPhone rendered as a colored arrow icon can be entered via emoji keyboard. Compass emoji symbol can also be entered in this way.

Text Symbols with iPhone Emoji keyboard 📲
Text Symbols with iPhone Emoji keyboard 📲Simple and beautiful way to discover how to add a virtual keyboard for Emoji symbols visible as small pictures. The keyboard itself is preinstalled on your iOS device, so you don't have to download, or buy anything.

Character Palette

Character Palette allows you to view and use all characters and symbols, including cute arrows, available in all fonts (some examples of fonts are "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Webdings") installed on your computer.


Text Arrows via Keyboard

There actually are 3 different ways to text symbols on Linux with a keyboard. But only third and fourth level chooser keys and unicode hex codes can produce arrow text symbols.

Linux keyboard shortcuts for text symbols (and characters)
Linux keyboard shortcuts for text symbols Find out about keyboard shortcuts that you can use on Linux OS to type text symbols and Unicode special characters. Somewhat like Alt codes. ♪ ✌ ☠ 웃 ♋
Unicode hex code Symbol Unicode hex code Symbol Unicode hex code Symbol
27a2 279e 27bb
219a 21a7 21ac
21b9 21c6 21d3
21e0 232b 27a3
27b8 27bc 219b
21a8 21ad 21ad
21ad 21ba 21c7
21d4 21e1 27a4
2650 27bd 219c
27ab 21ae 21bb
21c8 21c8 21d5
21e2 27a5 27b2
2190 219d 27ac
21af 21bc 21c9
21d6 21e3 27a6
27b3 2191 219e
27a9 21b0 21bd
21ca 21d7 21e4
27a7 27b3 2192
219f 27aa 21b1
21be 21cb 21d8
21e5 27a8 27b4
2193 21a0 27ad
21b2 21bf 21cc
21d9 21e6 279a
27b5 2194 21a1
27ae 21b3 21c0
21cd 21da 21e7
2798 27b6 2195
21a2 27af 21b4
21c1 21ce 21db
21e8 2799 27b7
2196 21a3 27b1
21b5 21c2 21cf
21dc dc; 21e9 279b
27b8 2197 21a4
21a9 21b6 21c3
21d0 21dd 21ea

Character map

Character map allows you to view and use all characters and symbols available in all fonts (some examples of fonts are "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Webdings") installed on your computer. It can also help you lookup Unicode codes for entering symbols with keyboard.

HTML code

Following is a list of HTML and JavaScript entities for arrow symbols. In Javascript you should write like a = "this \u2669 symbol" if you want to include a special symbol in a string.

HTML entity JS entity Symbol HTML entity JS entity Symbol HTML entity JS entity Symbol
➟ \u279f ➜ \u279c ➹ \u27b9
↘ \u2198 ↥ \u21a5 ↪ \u21aa
↷ \u21b7 ⇄ \u21c4 ⇑ \u21d1
⇞ \u21de ⌦ \u2326 ➡ \u27a1
➝ \u279d ➺ \u27ba ↙ \u2199
↦ \u21a6 ↫ \u21ab ↸ \u21b8
⇅ \u21c5 ⇒ \u21d2 ⇟ \u21df
⌧ \u2326 ➡ \u27a1 ➢ \u27a2
➞ \u279e ➻ \u27bb ↚ \u27bb
↧ \u21a7 ↬ \u21ac ↹ \u21b9
⇆ \u21c6 ⇓ \u21d3 ⇠ \u21e0
⌫ \u232b ➣ \u27a3 ➸ \u27b8
➼ \u27bc ↛ \u219b ↨ \u21a8
↭ \u21ad ↺ \u21ba ⇇ \u21c7
⇔ \u21d4 ⇡ \u21e1 ➤ \u27a4
♐ \u2650 ➽ \u27bd ↜ \u219c
➫ \u27ab ↮ \u21ae ↻ \u21bb
⇈ \u21c8 ⇕ \u21d5 ⇢ \u21e2
➥ \u27a5 ➲ \u27b2 ← \u2190
↝ \u219d ➬ \u27ac ↯ \u21af
↼ \u21bc ⇉ \u21c9 ⇖ \u21d6
⇣ \u21e3 ➦ \u27a6 ➳ \u27b3
↑ \u2191 ↞ \u219e ➩ \u27a9
↰ \u21b0 ↽ \u21bd ⇊ \u21ca
⇗ \u21d7 ⇤ \u21e4 ➧ \u27a7
➳ \u27b3 → \u2192 ↟ \u219f
➪ \u27aa ↱ \u21b1 ↾ \u21be
⇋ \u21cb ⇘ \u21d8 ⇥ \u21e5
➨ \u27a8 ➴ \u27b4 ↓ \u2193
↠ \u21a0 ➭ \u27ad ↲ \u21b2
↿ \u21bf ⇌ \u21cc ⇙ \u21d9
⇦ \u21e6 ➚ \u279a ➵ \u27b5
↔ \u2194 ↡ \u21a1 ➮ \u27ae
↳ \u21b3 ⇀ \u21c0 ⇍ \u21cd
⇚ \u21da ⇧ \u21e7 ➘ \u2798
➶ \u27b6 ↕ \u2195 ↢ \u21a2
➯ \u27af ↴ \u21b4 ⇁ \u21c1
⇎ \u21ce ⇛ \u21db ⇨ \u21e8
➙ \u2799 ➷ \u27b7 ↖ \u2196
↣ \u21a3 ➱ \u27b1 ↵ \u21b5
⇂ \u21c2 ⇏ \u21cf ⇜ \u21dc
⇩ \u21e9 ➛ \u279b ➸ \u27b8
↗ \u2197 ↤ \u21a4 ↩ \u21a9
↶ \u21b6 ⇃ \u21c3 ⇐ \u21d0
⇝ \u21dd ⇪ \u21ea ⏎ \u23ce

Last update 5 years ago